{# @var \Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\Figure figure #} {# Studio Macros ------------- This collection of Twig macros is intended to help you render figure/image markup directly from a Studio\Figure. You can use these macros as building blocks for your own figure template or to render the whole thing and pass some options. Options ------- By setting options, the default output can be altered. There are two places where this can be done: 1) By constructing a Studio\Figure object with $options 2) By passing the $options argument to the macros If the same keys are defined in both 1) and 2), the template options will have precedence. Currently, options allow you to extend/overwrite HTML attributes for all tags that are output. Attributes defined under the 'attr' key will be placed inside the
tag while those defined under the '%tag%_attr' key will end up inside the <%tag%> tag. Example: {{ _self.figure(figure, { attr: { data-foo: 'a' }, figcaption_attr: { class: 'bar' } } }} :
: ... :
: ... :
#} {# Build a
including a picture and - if available - a caption from Studio\Figure data. If a link is defined the picture will be wrapped in an tag. #} {%- macro figure(figure, options = {}, addSchemaOrg = true) -%} {%- set figure_attributes = figure.options.attr|default({})|merge(options.attr|default({})) %} {%- set link_attributes = figure.options.link_attr|default({})|merge(options.link_attr|default({})) ~%} {% if figure.linkHref -%} {%- set base_attributes = { 'href': figure.linkHref, 'title': figure.hasLightbox and figure.hasMetadata ? figure.metadata.title : null, }|merge(figure.linkAttributes) -%} {{~ _self.picture(figure, options) }} {%- else %} {{- _self.picture(figure, options) -}} {% endif %} {{ _self.caption(figure, options) }}
{% if addSchemaOrg %} {%- do add_schema_org(figure.schemaOrgData) -%} {% endif %} {%- endmacro -%} {# Build a from Studio\Figure data. This falls back to only creating a single if no sources are present. #} {% macro picture(figure, options = {}) %} {%- set picture_attributes = figure.options.picture_attr|default({})|merge(options.picture_attr|default({})) %} {%- set source_attributes = figure.options.source_attr|default({})|merge(options.source_attr|default({})) %} {%- if figure.image.sources -%} {% for source in figure.image.sources %} {%- set define_proportions = source.width|default(false) and source.height|default(false) -%} {%- set base_attributes = { 'srcset': source.srcset, 'sizes': source.sizes|default(null), 'media': source.media|default(null), 'type': source.type|default(null), 'width': define_proportions ? source.width : null, 'height': define_proportions ? source.height : null, } -%} {%- endfor %} {{ _self.img(figure, options) }} {%- else %} {{ _self.img(figure, options) }} {%- endif %} {% endmacro %} {# Build an from Studio\Figure data. #} {%- macro img(figure, options = {}) -%} {% apply spaceless %} {% set img_attributes = figure.options.img_attr|default({})|merge(options.img_attr|default({})) %} {% set img = figure.image.img %} {% set define_proportions = img.width|default(false) and img.height|default(false) %} {% set base_attributes = { 'src': img.src, 'alt': figure.hasMetadata ? figure.metadata.alt : '', 'title': figure.hasMetadata ? (figure.metadata.title ?: null) : null, 'srcset': img.srcset is defined and img.srcset != img.src ? img.srcset : null, 'sizes': img.sizes|default(null), 'width': define_proportions ? img.width : null, 'height': define_proportions ? img.height : null, 'loading': img.loading|default(null), 'class': img.class|default(null), } %} {% endapply %} {%- endmacro -%} {# Build a
from Studio\Figure data. If no metadata is present, nothing will be output. #} {%- macro caption(figure, options = {}) -%} {% apply spaceless %} {% if figure.hasMetadata and figure.metadata.caption %} {% set caption_attributes = figure.options.caption_attr|default({})|merge(options.caption_attr|default({})) %} {{- figure.metadata.caption|raw -}}
{% endif %} {% endapply %} {%- endmacro -%} {# Helper: Expand an associative mapping into HTML attributes. - Values that are null won't be included - The output will contain a leading space Example: { 'foo': 'a', 'bar': 'b', 'foobar': null } --> ' foo="a" bar="b"' #} {%- macro html_attributes(attributes) -%} {%- for attr, value in attributes|filter(v => v is not null) -%} {{ ' ' ~ attr }}{% if value %}="{{ value }}"{% endif %} {%- endfor -%} {%- endmacro -%}